Little Acts of Grace Review & Giveaway


Well over a year ago now, when we were first journeying home to the Catholic Church, I was on the lookout for quality books that we could share as a family and learn together.  On Amazon, I found a little book called The Mass Book for Children, by Donna Piscitelli & Rosemarie Gortler.  The Mass Book for Children was perfect for helping us explain the Mass and I know Tim and I both learned a lot as well.  At the same time, we were studying God's 10 Best Ways (the name of the Godly Play presentation), so I also purchased Living the 10 Commandments for Children by the same authors.  I found both books to be rich in good solid information, simple language, encouragement, and enticing illustrations.

Fast forward to a few months ago, I had the opportunity to chat with Donna Piscitelli through e-mail.  It turns out that one of the lovely Catholic ladies I have gotten to know over the past year is her step daughter!  She shared with me that Living the 10 Commandments was originally designed for children preparing for First Reconciliation and The Mass Book for Children was designed with children preparing for First Holy Communion.  I had no idea!  The books I had chosen for our children were exactly designed for two of the sacraments Tim and I were preparing for!

Through our conversation I shared my thoughts on these books and how they had been useful to our family.  I also shared that I sometimes do reviews of products on my blog in exchange for a review or giveaway copy.  Ms. Piscitelli was generous enough to send us not one, but three of her other books for review:  Just Like Mary, Little Acts of Grace, and Little Acts of Grace 2.


Just Like Mary quickly found it's way into rotation as one of our favorites.  Each section covers different aspects of Mary's life, ways that we can show the same depth of character as Mary, and ends with the words, "Just like Mary."  Oh how Kylee loves to say that now!  The illustrations are particularly poignant in this story because each page shows children being a living example of a life full of the many virtues Mary exuded.  In the section on Mary at the cross, there is an illustration of children holding signs that say"God Loves Babies"  and "Pray to End Abortion".  The text says, "Everything we do to show our love of God will help others come to know Him and love Him.  That is how we stand by the foot of the cross for Him.   Just like Mary."  On the back cover there is a child kneeling before Mary in prayer and Kylee told me that is her.  The child looks nothing like my darling daughter, but I love that she can see herself in the story.

For those readers who are not Catholic or are but do not understand Marian devotion, this is an excellent resource to explain in plain terms how an understanding of, and relationship with, Mary does not take away from devotion to Christ himself, but rather enhances it.  Just Like Mary ends with a stanza by stanza commentary for kids on the Hail Mary, followed by a section explaining how to pray using a rosary.

Our Books
Enjoying Just Like Mary during the 40 Day for Life Prayer Vigil
Little Acts of Grace and Little Acts of Grace 2 explain many things big and small we can do each day to keep our minds and hearts focused on God.   From the introduction to Little Acts of Grace
It's the little things that we do that show love and affection:  a wink, a touch, a smile, a glance, a thank you.  It's waving at someone just because...  Little things say "I love you" louder than shouting from a mountaintop.  To God, little things mean a lot, too.
Both books focus on ways to "keep in touch" with God and how to be a best friend to Jesus.  I think there are so many directions this idea could take, they could probably write another 3 or 4 volumes and not exhaust the topic.   Because of that, there is a great opportunity in reading these books with your children to extend the idea of little acts by looking for more throughout daily life.  You could even make a family little acts book of ways that your family keeps in touch with God throughout your day.

In all of these books, those we already owned and those that have been shared so graciously, I find that there is room for understanding across a variety of ages. Plain, yet specific, language mean that there is something in each of these volumes for my youngest children all the way to something for myself.  For more information, straight from the authors, on each of these books please visit their website.

Because Ms. Piscitelli was so generous in sharing these resources with me, I am going to turn around and share them with you!  I am giving away our copy of Little Acts of Grace to a lucky reader next Sunday.  I have carefully kept this book in the envelope she shipped it to me in so the corners have not been bent (sat on?) or marked in anyway.  To enter do one (or all!) of the following:

  • Comment on this post
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For each entry be sure to leave a new comment!  I always try to catch comments with double entries but sometimes I miss one and I would hate that to happen to any of you.

BUT WAIT!  If between now and next Sunday my blog happens to cross over 100 Facebook likes/follows I will give away BOTH Little Acts of Grace and Little Acts of Grace 2.  I will choose a different winner for each book so help get those likes up and double your chances of winning (plus get extra entries for sharing).

Good Luck!


The girl who painted trees said...

I would love to win this. I am always on the lookout for more Catholic books for our collection. We own the Mass book but none of the others.

thegirlwhopaintedtrees at gmail dot com

The girl who painted trees said...

I am a follower via email. Let me know if this does not count.
thegirlwhopaintedtrees at gmail dot com

The girl who painted trees said...

I like your blog on FB
thegirlwhopaintedtrees at gmail dot com

Meredith said...

Heidi, I'm so glad that you are finding and sharing these Catholic resources. I've always loved that about you, and these in particular really speak to me! :)

StixStewart said...

These are incredibly written and illustrated books. I have two children, one now in high school, and they both grew up with these.

Angie said...

I've not seen these particular books before but they look interesting, indeed. I've got to check out the first two you mentioned in regards to the Mass and 10 Commandments.

Martianne said...

I'd be delighted to win this. Thx for the chance.

mmstangerjunk (at) comcast (dot) net

Martianne said...

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mmstangerjunk (at) comcast (dot) net

Martianne said...

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mmstangerjunk 9at) comcast (dot) net

Catrina Dugué said...

This would be a wonderful addition to our home. We too are always on the lookout for good quality Catholic books for the boys. Thanks for the giveaway!

Catrina Dugué said...

Shared the giveaway on Facebook!

Catrina Dugué said...

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(Catrina Dugue)

Catrina Dugué said...

New Follower :)

Colleen said...

I liked you on Facebook!

I've seen these books before - they are darling.

<3 Colleen

Colleen said...

My comment entry:

My mom bought "Little Acts of Grace" when it first came out, many years ago, for my younger sisters. I remember thinking they were adorable back then, but had completely forgotten about them! We are sorely lacking in the "church books" department - this would be a great addition! (If we don't win I'll probably order through your Amazon link as a gift from St. Nicholas!)

<3 Colleen