Great Kid Recipe & Printable Recipe Card

My kids love to help in the kitchen.  The also love to make things (mostly) by themselves and cooking makes up a large percentage of our Montessori Practical Life activities as they get older.  (Because, heck- that's practical for me!) Obviously different ages need different amounts of help, but this is a great first recipe for complete independence.  It is also one of our favorite super-healthy, kid friendly recipes and it uses up ripe bananas which is always helpful!  With no added sugar, it also makes a healthy toddler cookie and scores big points for being allergy friendly.


Banana Blender Cookies

Picture Cards 2

2-3 Ripe Bananas
2 Cups of Regular Rolled Oats (Gluten Free if needed)
1 Tablespoon Baking Powder
1 teaspoon Cinnamon


Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Blend everything together
Drop spoonfuls onto a greased baking sheet
Bake for about 10 minutes until set

(This is my first time sharing something on Google Docs, be patient and let me know if something isn't working!)

If you are looking for a different flavors and twists, there are some other recipes out in cyber land that are similar to this, although ours was the only one I found that is completely done in a blender.  My base recipe was inspired by the Vegan Lunchbox version but I've left some stuff out and simplified the way we prepare it for ease of kid friendly cooking.

Enjoy and let me know what you think!


Lisa said...

Boo, mine didn't work.....Love to see the cards though. That is such a great idea!

Heather said...

Sounds good! going to try this.
Printable didn't work for me.

Heidi said...

I will look at the document later today and see if I can figure it out! Thanks for letting me know!

Heidi said...

I fixed the link so it should work now hopefully! I wasn't able to do the PDF so the document will now download editable, I kindly request that you please leave my information in tact to give credit where credit is due! :)

Martianne said...

These look awesome. I keep checking back at the link and trying to download them, but so far no luck. Might you send a copy to me as an attachment at mmstangerjunk (at) comcast (dot) net. Thanks you