Book of Virtues

One of the things we are adding to our homeschool schedule this "spring" is study from the Book of Virtues for Young People.

I was unsure where to start, so I decided to go with the first section- self discipline. I think it will take us most of January to finish this topic and then we will move onto the next area. Here is a snapshot of how I plan to use this book to hopefully build character and provoke some good discussions.
  • Read aloud and discussion points during morning group time
  • Journaling topics for Aidan
  • Copy work sections for Aidan
  • As a broad introduction to various forms of literature (poetry, fables, historical writings, etc.)
  • Starting point for supplemental literature from the library and Bible readings
For example, we started on Monday with the introduction/definition of self- discipline (the book has a 1-2 page introduction for each trait). Tuesday we read a poem called "Anger" by Charles and Mary Lamb. Aidan had a copy work assignment from the poem (two phrases of his choice to copy to continue regular practice with handwriting) and then a journaling assignment related to anger as well (not on the same day). For the coming stories, Aidan will have similar assignments and related follow up reading.

This is somewhat of a divergence from the way I have typically presented information/lessons to the boys, but I have to tell you I really like it! Hearing their ideas is fun, but seeing how they integrate everything is even more interesting. I will definitely be sharing more of their comments and thoughts as the year continues.

Has anyone else used this book in their homeschool or family study time? What have your experiences been?


Rachel said...

We just finished "The Children's Book of Virtues" and I think it's the same author. It was good, maybe too simple for Ethan though. Some stories were very fantasy based, so a lot of explanations for those.

Tim Tinkel - Families Again said...

Hi, I found you through Blog Frog and I'm glad I did. What timing! Your post reminded me that I had downloaded a whole study - lapbooks, notebooking pages, lesson plans for the Book of Virtues earlier this year, but I lost it all when my laptop crashed. So, I'm downloading it again. It looks like a really neat study. I haven't used it yet, but have looked it over extensively. It is a rather large download, over 900 pages! Here is the link to the blog that it is on -
After you get to the blog, the download is half way down the page in the left hand column. Hope it helps you out.


Tim Tinkel - Families Again said...

oops. I meant the right hand column.


Anita said...

HI, I have used the original Book of Virtues in our homeschool to coincide with our KONOS units which are character based. With a wide age span (15 months to 25 years!) I sometimes forget what I have and what I used it for!! Thanks for the reminder! Sounds like you have some really good ideas for your language studies this semester. Very Ruth Beechik(y)!!

Heidi said...

Rachel I didn't see that one, this one seems to be more actual poems and folk stories and not too much fantasy

Anita & Tim thanks for the nice comments and for stopping by today. It's always a treat to hear from two new readers in one day! Tim I am definitely going to check out those resources for the Book of Virtues and see if anything would work for us!

Heidi said...

Rachel I didn't see that one, this one seems to be more actual poems and folk stories and not too much fantasy

Anita & Tim thanks for the nice comments and for stopping by today. It's always a treat to hear from two new readers in one day! Tim I am definitely going to check out those resources for the Book of Virtues and see if anything would work for us!