Traditional Education Meets Homeschool Support

Have you ever needed help with parenting or homeschool, only to discover that to get help from a professional you had to suffer through a system that devalues your family values, including your decision to homeschool?

Can you imagine being able to find help for your struggling self or child without hearing that school is the "obvious" solution?

As trained educators, we respect the expertise these professionals have to offer.  They have deep knowledge and skills that can benefit both child and family when provided in a family-centric model.  Yet all too often, we know that isn't what happens.  We actually had to ask an early intervention teacher to stop coming to our house and take matters into our own hands because the person they sent was so openly outspoken against our Catholic faith, our large family, and our decision to homeschool!

We can be the person you troubleshoot with when it seems like your curriculum isn't working or your child isn't thriving the way you expected.  

Or maybe your kid is doing great and you need some encouragement because you are stressed out beyond belief juggling all of the realities of home, school, and family.  (We talk to a lot of parents and teachers, trust me you are more normal than not if this is where you are!)

We can do that, and more.

We know it is hard to homeschool.  With all of our education and experience, we still struggle with finding the right combination of curriculum and approaches to help each of our children thrive!  

It's hard to ask for help.  It's hard to admit you need help with homeschool.  It's hard to admit you are overwhelmed or outside your skill set.  It's even harder to do that when you are worried what the person across the desk or on the other end of the phone is going to blame homeschooling (or beliefs, or family size) rather than actually empower you with tools to help your family.

From the beginning of this blog, we have been teachers.   We were teachers who were noticing that- from the parent side- this education thing wasn't working so well for us.

Is it working for you?

If not, skip the step where you grit your teeth and hope that other person you ask for help isn't going to come down on homeschooling too hard.

You can homeschool with confidence.

We can help.

Homeschool help so you can homeschool with confidence

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