Lap Books for Babies

lap books for babies

Board books are great for infants and toddlers, but we recently discovered oversize board books and they are all the heart emoji eyes!

I first discovered the Share A Story lap edition board books at Costco.  I purchased two classics (Runaway Bunny &  Chicka Chicka Boom Boom) for our toddler in the van on an upcoming vacation.   They worked perfectly for that as he was able to hold the book against the back of the seat propped up on his legs, turn the pages, and enjoy them without much assistance.

I also discovered, however, that these books are perfect for propping up to display changing art for our new baby- particularly Runaway Bunny, with its lovely colors and contrasts.  They also provide an opportunity for the other kids to be involved in the preparation of the infant environment by contributing to changing the pages or selecting a new book.

She talks to them and tries to roll over to them and is just generally her own adorable self!

Of course, they are also great for reading aloud to multiple children at the same time, since the pictures are large enough for everyone see (unlike a traditional board book).  The pages in the two titles we have are much larger than the corresponding paperback or hardcover editions.

In addition to Costco, the series has more titles available on Amazon for a similar price!  (If buying on Amazon, scroll down and look at the product dimensions to see if you have the oversized edition or the regular edition.) I'm dreaming of 1st & 2nd birthdays and Christmas presents.


What is on your list?  
Which classic children's book would you love to see in this size?


Looking for more ideas for your infants and toddlers?
Be sure to check out the Montessori at Home Quick Start Guide for Infants & Toddlers!
Quick Start Montessori

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