Beauty of the Written Word


Kylee recently finished her first ever Institute for Excellence in Writing Thematic Writing Book: Bible Heroes.  For her final "project" she wrote a paragraph about something she is thankful for.

Baby Brother
By, Kylee (Age 7)

I have a baby brother, who is named Tomas.  I play with him every day.  He smiles cheerfully and plays contently on the floor.  Every morning, I change Tomas' diapers and clothes.  I am grateful Jesus answered my prayer for a baby brother.


This is a both laughable and lamentable picture of Kylee taking care of Tomas while I pump.  I guess at least it's G Rated!

Note:  We used IEW Thematic Writing Units without first doing the Student Writing Intensive.  While this worked well for us, I wouldn't recommend it unless you have at least some background in teaching writing because you will have to fill gaps and translate the teachers instructions which were meant to be used after doing the Intensive.  I know that we would have gotten more out of this if I had insisted on stricter adherence to the *method* as opposed to my wing-it method with some Montessori lessons mixed in.  

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