What We're Reading: Lenten Edition

I think my last edition of What We're Reading was back in June.... oh how things have changed!  I'm not reading as much as I was back then, but here are some of the titles I have been browsing in the last several weeks.


Pierced by a Sword & Conceived Without Sin by Bud Macfarlane, Jr.  Similar styles, but totally different topics from this Catholic fiction author.  Pierced by a Sword is more action packed and Conceived Without Sin is more dramatic.  Pierced by a Sword was a bedrest gift from a friend that I didn't get a chance to read at the time but then once I started it, I couldn't put it down.

Amish 2nd Christmas.  A collection of four Amish fiction Christmas stories.  This was a BookLook Bloggers title, my review is here.

Non Fiction

Listen to Your Blessed Mother by Gary Zimak.  This is a commentary on Mary in scripture.  The sections are divided between her spoken words, unspoken words, actions.  I'm only barely starting this one, but I like what I have read so far.

The Story of a Soul by St. Therese of Lisieux

The New Rosary in Scripture by Edward Sri.  This is not actually a new book, but Tim and I wanted a grown-up book to work through together while we are focusing on the rosary with the kids in our family devotional and study time.

Six Steps for Managing Loss: A Catholic Guide Through Grief by Terence P Curley.  Kind of self explanatory, but this book was recommended (and two copies gifted) by a coworker of Tim's.  Since I'm definitely still on step one, I think this one will grace my nightstand for some time to come.

Grief: A Mama's Unwanted Journey by Shelley Ramsey.  Another BookLook Blogger title, you can read my review here.

In the Queue 

Trusting God with St. Therese by Connie Rossini.  I read this one while I was on bedrest and I feel like I want to read it again after I finish Story of a Soul.  My original thoughts here.

Bella's Gift by the Santorums.  This is another BookLook Blogger title I am looking forward to starting soon.

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