What I'm Reading

In case you didn't already know this about me, I'm a prolific reader.  Probably in the neighborhood of several dozen books a month minimum, although I don't usually keep track.   I like to read lots of variety and I thought it might be fun to share a glimpse of what I've been reading, along with my always witty and charming commentary.

Fiction (Probably 3-5 books/week, this is just a sample)

Hannah Swenson Mysteries by Joanne Fluke- these mysteries are set in a small Minnesota town and they are quick reads.  My library also has all of them for ebook checkout and there is pretty much always one available.  Oh and recipes at the end of every chapter.  Most of which make my mouth water.

Fern Michaels' Sisterhood Series - This is a girl-power series!  All about women who avenge crimes against other women.  They are a little extreme in their punishment sometimes and make me cringe but I think they are really fun.  I only have a couple books left in this series.

Shadow Spell:  Book Two of the Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy by Nora Roberts- This series may insult the sensibilities of some as it contains an abundance of witchcraft and sorcery, time travel, mind control, speaking with animals and all sorts of other stuff that makes for really fun once in awhile
reading.  It's been almost a year since I read the first one and might be that long again before I make it to the third!

The Good Husband of Zebra Drive by Alexander McCall Smith- Same author series as the #1 Ladies Detective Agency which is fairly well known.  I actually never knew he had written any more than that until I came across this on the library's website.  Everyone else probably already knew that though.


5 Lessons from the Carmelite Saints That Will Change Your Life by Connie Rossini- I've had this book for awhile, but I didn't realize that the author was a Minnesota gal!  Not only that, but I met her at the bloggers gathering at the homeschool conference this year and learned she has a new book coming out soon, Trusting God With St. Therese, so of course I had to reread this one in preparation for the new one!  I sent her a quick note asking if she had any specific information for my readers and she said starting July 16th there will be updates and promotions on her blog, Contemplative Homeschool, so be sure to check that out.

Building Better Families by Matthew Kelly- Tim and I just finished reading this one together.  Matthew Kelly is a Catholic author, better known for his Rediscover Catholicism and 4 Signs of a Dynamic Catholic, but he wrote this book many years ago before he was married and had kids of his own, sharing observations about how certain business, personal improvement techniques, etc can apply to modern family life and it is quite good.  It is not a book just about Catholic family life, seriously anyone who is committed to family life and doing the best by their kiddos would appreciate this.

Same Life, New Story by Jan Silvious- I actually received this book free a long time ago as part of the BookLook Bloggers program, before my account was deactivated for not posting reviews often enough.  Alas, I'm reading it now and enjoying it.  It's a 10 week Bible Study that would be more fun if I was reading it with friends though, I think.


Teach your Preschooler to Read & Write by Jon Bowman- Doing a little research....I *might* be working on writing a similar book for elementary language instruction at home.  This book *might* be well over half finished and I *might* be hoping to release it this summer still.   I also *might* be looking for reviewers in the next month or so.


Eat for Health and other books by Joel Fuhrman- Finding the right food-philosophy for a family is so hard.  Seriously.  The stuff of nightmares.  I just want to trust that I'm feeding my kids good food.  Which unfortunately we can't do simply shopping at the grocery stores.  Even sticking to the "edges" as has long been promoted.  Living in Minnesota, growing our own isn't feasible year round.  *Sigh*  We will never be strictly vegan, but I do like a lot of what Dr. Fuhrman has to say.

With Kids

Logan has been really into knights and dragons lately so we have been reading a LOT (think multiple times/day) of St. George and the Dragon and The Squire and The Scroll.

Kylee and Caleb are all about our Herb Fairies books and they are anxiously awaiting the Chamomile fairy to be released on July 1st.

Kylee and I are also working our way through the Harry Potter Series at bedtime.  Right now we are on 3, which is actually my favorite of all of the books.  (Note:  If you are Christian and conflicted about these book, please read this post and then click on the link at the bottom of the post to read her comments about why our daughters specifically should read Harry Potter, in 10 Books You Must Read to Your Daughter.)

Aidan and I just finished the short story, Staff of Serapis by Rick Riordan.  Reading together with Aidan, mostly means occasionally reading things he likes so we can talk about them.  This is a crossover series between the Heroes of Olympus/Percy Jackson books and the Red Pyramid series.

What are you reading right now?  Have a favorite book?  Share your recommendations in the comments here or over on the Work and Play, Day by Day Facebook page!


Mom said...

What is your opinion on the appropriate age for reading Harry Potter to kids? I loved it and look forward to reading it with my kids, but I don't want to rush it. My son will be 5 in August. He has the attention span for it, but some of the themes are probably over his head. I don't want to spoil it for him by reading it to him before he can appreciate it.....

Heidi said...

Kylee is 5 now (she will be 6 in August) and while I am sure she isn't getting *everything* out of it, she also definitely understands what is happening in the story and enjoys them. The first 3 books are much lighter compared to the end of the series. By reading out loud now it will be a little bit of time before we get to the darker stuff. Honestly books 4-7 are so long it will probably take at least a year to finish them!

I also fully anticipate, that she like her older brothers will want to read them for herself when she is able. For the most part I think its good to read books out loud that are too challenging to read independently to really spark that interest in and desire for reading.

If your son has the maturity to not be upset by the death parts, then even if he doesn't understand all the details of the themes he will probably simply enjoy the story and return later to read them again for himself!

Hopefully that helps! When in doubt use your best judgement and don't worry about what someone else might think about your decision to read or not to read the books :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your current selections! I just checked out the electronic version of the last book (#14) in the No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency Series. I'm kind of hesitant to read it, because I'll sad to be finished. :(

I'm currently reading my FIL's revised edition of his book, Jungle in Black, about his injury in Vietnam and subsequent recovery.

Maria Von Trapp's autobiography, The Trapp Family Singers is a great one I recently finished. She was a very devout Catholic woman--something the movie doesn't really emphasize. The book covers the story beyond the movie, as well.

Colin is reading Prince Caspian to the kids at bedtime.

I need to check out that 5 Lessons from the Carmelite Saints--looks great!