First Communion

So I know it has been months since Caleb first received our Lord in Holy Communion, but I didn't have any pictures to post because our parish had a "no cameras" rule.  They had a professional photographer there during the Mass, but we had to wait for the discs.  Of course they came in the mail a few weeks before our move, so I just threw them in a box and never even looked at them.

Then this past weekend we had the opportunity to celebrate with some friends as their children received their first communion and I remembered the discs!  Since I missed a good portion of this Mass sitting outside with Logan it was full of surprises.  There were even a couple of Aidan serving, which I enjoyed.

Misc Mass (38)

Processional (7)

Misc Mass (60)

Candles (2)

Processional (30)

Communion (34)

Communion (37)

All photographs copyright Heather Bird Photography, used with permission.

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