Settling In With A Blank Slate


Is there anything quite as refreshing as a fresh start?

The weeks before we moved were filled with so much chaos, stress, and general craziness.  We were all overwhelmed with goodbyes and last minute schedule changes.  Every kid, cat, grown up, and dog could feel the tension.  I felt like I could never possibly do what was being asked of me.  Some days I really didn't know if I should scream or cry.

Many days I did both.

We were blessed in Utah with a really wonderful priest who took time to get to know us and to offer us his wisdom.  In recent weeks, Tim and I have had a chance to talk and it turns out that separately he gave us both the same reminder-

After the move, is an opportunity for a fresh start, a chance to evaluate where we are and where we would like to be.  To weed out some poor habits and attitudes and refresh our commitment to good habits, devotions, and prayer.

How true is that?

Moving... as a little spring cleaning for the house and soul!

When I saw the school supplies back at Walmart last week, I heard that little voice reminding me of this blank slate.  So, I bought a blank notebook and I started fresh.

Not trying to change our old routines to work in our new house, but creating new routines.

With time for family meetings written in ink.

With new goals for home, school, and life.

It's refreshing.

Now begins the work of putting those refreshing thoughts and ideas into new actions...of taking our goals and making them achievements.  It will take time, to be sure, but already I feel like a weight is being lifted off my shoulders.

Refreshing... like the crisp, clean pages of a notebook.

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