Living History- Argh!

This weekend, while in town for the Minnesota Catholic Home Educator's Conference at St. Thomas University, the older boys and I (along with my parents and sister) went to the Real Pirates Exhibit at the Minnesota Science Museum.  This special collection includes a real pirate treasure, along with the history of the slave ship, turned pirate ship, the Whydah.  Period weapons, clothing, entertainment and even medical procedures are presented with models, informative displays, a self guided tour, multi media, and recovered artifacts.

The boys learn to play pirate dice from a "real" pirate.
In addition to a few actors interacting with visitors, there were several touch and see tables staffed by museum volunteers showing various aspects of pirate life and connections to modern culture.    There was another family there the same as us that I strongly suspect were also homeschoolers.  The two oldest from that family and my boys stood at one table for close to 10 minutes asking questions.  The cheerful volunteer was thrilled to have such willing little learners, but it was clear he wasn't quite sure what to do with these extra inquisitive and attentive kiddos!

In front of the slave trade map....strikingly similar to the one in our Story of The World book!
Aidan is modeling the self guided tour receiver.

I sense the beginning of a pirate phase!

1 comment:

Susan Evans said...

There was a pirate exhibit?! Where?
We also use Story of the World for history, by the way.