St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra

One of these days (maybe...) this will be one of those blogs where you can come before a holiday or special feast and get ideas.  For now, you will have to get in the habit of bookmarking our activities for the next year if you like them!

We don't celebrate Santa at all (and never have), but we have enjoyed St. Nicholas' Feat Day for the last several years.  Instead of something that we do the same every year, what we do is basically surprise the kids with something different every year.

Our Morning Table
I think the kids look forward to this most since it is always different, transformed from our Advent scene


Helping With Breakfast
(Close your eyes to my messy kitchen counters)


A Little Coloring



Let's Eat!
(Miter waffles if it's not obvious)


Self Buttering
In case you are wondering I let the amount of butter Caleb used stand in appreciation of his design


A Litte Decorating
Actually the only ornaments we have- house fire "oh yeah we don't have any of those" strikes again


Much to the disappointment of my children, school was not cancelled due to this fun feast day.  Life went on with a just a little extra love for the day!


Angie said...

So tell me more about not doing Santa, if you don't mind. Sincerely,
A Mom in a Santa Struggle

Heidi said...

Basically my kids think of Santa as a game that other people play. They really don't care that there are no giant surprises under the tree, just regular old presents from mom and dad! They haven't spilled the beans to any kids yet, but they have been close a couple times.

For us it came down mostly to not wanting to lie to them about it and wanting Christmas to have a different focus. Our parents were kind of irritated with us initially I think, but now they don't care.

We have an Uncle of Tim's who sometimes dressed up as Santa Denny and all the cousins love it, but no gifts involved. Just for fun. Santa is not taboo, we just don't really talk about him much at all. My kids are indifferent, its the adults that get all upset about it!!

Angie said...

Yeah, Kate is currently not a Santa fan aka afraid of him. Which is fine by me. We have talked about people pretending to be Santa. And of course we've talked about the real St. Nick. I think that we'll probably just do something similar to you. But you're right there will be some irritated family members...who will hopefully get over it. Thanks for sharing Heidi.