Our Harvest Rosary


This fall, we are again participating as a family in the 40 Days for Life campaign.  We participated this past spring, but we tended to split up more and send one grown up with *maybe* one big boy.  This time we decided to make it more of a family affair.  This is a challenge, however, because 1 and 3 year olds can't really stand still and pray silently for an entire hour.  I decided I was up for it, but I might need to refine what exactly constitutes prayer for toddlers and preschoolers.  The first week we listened to our Rosary audio recording on my phone, and then read some books.

(Picture is from Week 2- Hence the Popcorn & Candy corn everywhere)
This week's shift fell on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary so I knew I wanted to incorporate that somehow into our vigil time.  We again listened to and prayed with our recording, but we also worked on stringing harvest rosaries.  We made some for ourselves and then after we were finished delivered a couple extra to our favorite priests (you know, the only ones we know...).

Needles (short blunt worked better than long sharp)
Bag of Autumn Mix Candy Corn (the candy corn & pumpkin mix)
Bag of popcorn or puff corn

To make crosses, smash the pumpkins with the back of a wooden spoon and then cut into the shape of a cross.  I love the way these turned out!  (I did this step ahead of time.)



Thread the needle- I found that about one of my arms width was the right amount of string.

Start with the cross and then use candy corn for the Our Father beads and popcorn for the Hail Mary beads.


Keep going in a long line and then tie it into a circle.


This was fun and challenging, yet doable independantly for the 5 and up crowd.  Tim helped Kylee quite a bit by doing all of the threading as she picked up pieces for him.  Then she helped out by making sure I was "comfortable" by holding her umbrella for me.  (It wasn't actually raining...)


Logan did us all a favor and fell asleep.

Only four more Fridays left for this fall campaign so we will see how we keep focused the next few weeks, but I am definitely on the lookout for more ideas.  Maybe I should sit and knit baby hats and the boys can finger weave to make blankets... I'll have to think about that.

Let me know if you have any good ideas!

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