Biblical Story Telling To Build Character


Although we are also moving into other religion materials (The Faith & Life Series primarily), we are still using Godly Play resources and techniques for biblical story telling...and retelling.  Our theme for fall is Building Character Through People of Character- both those from the bible and history (particularly saints).  In the picture above Kylee is telling the story of Job, who had faith to believe even when life was really hard.  (Or, rather she was telling the story until Logan yanked the underlay out before I could put the camera down and it took Caleb and I an hour to find all the pieces again!)  

I usually adapt the scripts from the books, but I love the presentation ideas and outlines- they bring variety to group time!  As a side note, although not presently on Amazon (where I have gift card money from Swagbucks searches), I have my eye on Godly Play, Volume 7- Saints Enrichment Lessons.


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